Customer construction and remodeling

Information to help you connect service to a newly constructed home or business, or update the electric or gas service to your existing property.

service connection process graphic

Step 1—Submit service application and site plan

Complete and sign a Service Application & Agreement form.

Include a scaled site plan or certified survey map.

Please also provide details about future plans on the lot. This communication is essential to eliminate future conflicts.

Please attach and send your site plan, certified survey map, and any additional documents along with your signed application to or call 1-866-255-8234 and enter the zip code of new service to connect with the local Alliant Energy operations office.

Step 2—Engineering review (3-5 business days)

Alliant Energy will review your application then contact you. If a site visit is necessary, the Project Lead assigned to you will schedule time to meet at the property. After the site visit, we will provide you with the cost estimate for service installation.

Step 3—Service line scheduling

Service line installation will be scheduled on an agreed-upon date once all customer requirements are met:

When requirements are complete notify your Alliant Energy Project Lead or call 1-866-255-8234.

Step 4—Service line installation (10-15 business days)

Alliant Energy crews will go out and install your service line once all the above requirements are met.

Step 5—Meter installation requirements

Submit a Gas Piping Statement and/or Electrical Inspection to your Alliant Energy Project Lead, if applicable.

Mark and label meter positions. For multiple meter installations, each meter position will need to be marked with the address or unit number of the location served on the outside of the socket or by the breaker. This marking will also need to be placed on the corresponding distribution panel(s). The external marking will need a permanent self-sticking brass or engraved rigid plastic label with minimum ½” block letter or numbers. A permanent marking will also need to be inside the meter-socket base in a visible location when the cover is removed.

Step 6—Meter installation (1-2 business days)

Once all the above steps are complete and you have notified Alliant Energy, we will install your electric or natural gas meter.