Options and Key Binds Guide

Proper setup of key binds is the single most important step to prevent stress on your hands while playing PoE. Take care to set keys to natural places your fingers can reach and rest, adding in your extra mouse keys if you can. Setting up the proper options provides a ton of valuable information you need to play the game.

Extra Skill Ba r

In the bottom right you have a skill bar with eight slots for skills. Hold CTRL to allow an extra set of 5 keys to be bound. To change what key an ability is set to, just click on the skill bar and choose the picture of the new ability to bind to that key.

Bind an "Instant" use skill (without cast time) to your left mouse button on the skill bar. This allows you to "use" a skill as soon as it's off cooldown while moving with left mouse button, without really adding an extra button to your playstyle.

Key binds and Options

To setup new key binds: