Benefit Statements are issued annually to Active and Deferred members of the Local Government Pension Scheme.
The Annual Benefit Statements for Active and Deferred scheme members calculated to 31 st March 2022 were dispatched at the end of August 2022.
If you were an active or deferred scheme member on the 31 st March 2022 and also at the date of dispatch, you should have now received your statement.
If you have not yet received yours, please let us know by telephoning (01452) 328888 or sending an email to
If you commenced membership of the scheme after 31 st March 2022, you will receive your first Benefit Statement (calculated to 31 st March 2023) later during the 2023/2024 financial year. Subject to our receiving the required information from your employer, this should be by early September 2023 at the latest.
The statement provides calculations of the benefits due from the LGPS in the following scenarios:
The statement provides the current value of your deferred benefits (i.e. including the latest Index Linking).
Please Note: that it is very important that you keep us notified of a change in your address.
Whilst it It is the policy of the Gloucestershire County Council Pension Section to only accept changes to member information by receipt of a signed letter providing at least one of the following pieces of key information (National Insurance number and/or DoB), your letter can be submitted in any of the following ways:
By Post: posted to the following address
Pensions Section
Gloucestershire County Council
Shire Hall
Westgate street
By E-mail: as a scanned e-mail attachment sent to