Correcting a Birth Certificate in New York

Birth certificates are legal identification documents. They are required documents that are issued and completed for all births that occur in the United States.

In general, birth certificates in the United States are fairly standard across the states. In addition, the information that is listed on the majority of birth certificates mirrors the details that are provided on birth certificates in other countries.

An informational birth certificate is not considered to be certified, or official. This is due to the fact that these types of birth certificates are not filed with the state records office.

Instead, they are filed and printed by the hospital and are intended for keepsake purposes. Because of this, these certificates cannot be used for any legal purposes.

Informational birth certificates typically contain the following information:

A certified copy of a birth certificate contains more information about the birth of the child. This document serves as an official record of the child’s birth.

This type of certificate is issued by the state’s records office. A certified birth certificate is a legal document that may be used as a form of identification.

A certified birth certificate can also be used to obtain the following other types of identification:

The following information has to be included in order for the document to be an authorized birth certificate: