Paying your scrutiny fee

The scrutiny fee is a one-off non-refundable payment of £639.98, for the assessment of your application

You must ensure you are ready to make the scrutiny fee payment, otherwise you may experience difficulty in completing this and submitting your application.

Using Worldpay to make your payment

Once you have completed your application online, you will be asked to pay your scrutiny fee on the Worldpay payment screen.

You should be ready to pay if you have:

Your payment may be affected if you have not been able to satisfy any of the points above.


Additional checks that Worldpay carries out

Worldpay will also screen your payment for fraud. This is a standard check carried out for all international payments.

In addition to the above points, you may have difficultly paying if:

If you are having difficulties paying

  1. Check if any of the points above could apply to your circumstances and seek to address these
  2. Try using a different debit or credit card if possible
  3. Contact your bank to check if the payment has been blocked by them and the reasons for this
  4. If you are still having difficulty, please contact the Registration team by phone and we can assist you further

Your application won't be submitted until this payment is made.

What to expect when you make an international application

When you will hear from us and how long each part of the process will take