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Since the publication of the Patent Rules in the Canada Gazette on December 1, 2018, the Rules have been amended to account for oversights, stakeholder feedback, and minor editorial errors. Other changes were made to improve readability and clarity.
The following is a non-exhaustive list of provisions that were amended, added or removed following publication of the Patent Rules in the Canada Gazette, Part I as well as a brief description of the type of change that was made. These changed have been incorporated in the new final Patent Rules published on July 10, 2019.
The numbering of many provisions has changed. In these cases, the provision number in Canada Gazette, Part I is referred to first, followed by the new numbering of the provision in parentheses. Revised provision numbers will be referred to as "current".
A reference to current 160(2) was added.
Sections 7, 11, 66(2), 74, 76(3), 84, 92, 96(2), 107(2) (current 108(2)), 108(2) (current 109(2)), 110(5) (current 109(5)), 155(3) (current154(3)), 155(8) (current 154(8)), 156(1) (current 155(1)), 158 (current 157), 163, 172(3), 181, 184(3), 196, 199(3), 201, 210(4), 224, 230
The term "deemed" was replaced with the term "considered".
Subsection 63(4), 155(4) (current 154(4)), 155(5) (current 154(5)), 155(3) (current 156(3), 210(2), 232 (current 233)- French only
The term "reputé(e)" was changed to "considéré(e) comme".
Subsections 11(1), (2) and (3)
Paragraph (b) was added.
Paragraphs and subsection 15(1)(b), 15(3) and 155(1)(b) (current 154(1)(b)) - English Only
The reference a description or application that is "not entirely in English or not entirely in French" is replaced with "is partly or entirely in a language other than English or French".
The reference to "that document" is deleted and in place "any part of the specification and drawings that, on the filing date, is not entirely in English or not entirely in French" is added. Additionally the concept of "to replace" is added to subsection 15(3) and subsection 15(6). A reference to subsection 15(4) is added to subsection 15(7) (current subsection 15(6)).
Reference to the specific deadline to provide a translation was removed.
Current subsection 26(6)
This provision was added.
This provision was added.
This new provision added to reorganize content that already exists in section 26.
Paragraphs 44(2)(a) and (b) and 112(2)(a)(b)
The wording "the applicant originally identified in the petition is, on the filing date of the application" was changed to "the applicant of the application on the filing date is, on that date".
Section 46, 144, paragraph 155(1)(b) (current 154(1)(b))
The phrase "other than any text matter contained in a sequence listing" was added to these provisions.
The time limit to make a request to the patent office where a previously regularly application was filed for a copy of that application was amended.
The time limit to provide the Office with a copy of the previously filed application and the certificate was amended.
Subsections 74(8), 181(2)(a), 181(4), 196(2)(a), 196(4)
These subsections were amended to remove the explicit reference to the foreign patent office providing a document to the applicant or the applicant requesting the document, as the case may be.
The language describing the time limit to request restoration of the right of priority was changed from "two months after the filing date…" and "one month after the national phase entry date" to "not later than two months after the filing date" and "not later than one month after the national phase entry date.." respectively.
The time limit to comply with the requirements in 28.4(6)(b)(iii) of the Act, set out in subsection 77(2) of the Rules, was amended to distinguish that the time limit for a regular Canadian application is different than the time limit for a PCT national phase application.
The text "within three months after the date of the notice" was replaced with "not later than three months after the date of the notice. Note to Translation: In French, the wording was changed from "de trois mois après la date de l'avis» to « au plus tard trois mois après la date de l'avis»
Current paragraph 89(1)(b)
New paragraph 89(1)(b) was added
Paragraphs 90(c) and (d)
The time limits to file a divisional when the original application is refused were adjusted.
The limitations recited in paragraphs (a) and (b) were amended.
This section was deleted.
Subsections 109(1) and 109(3)
This subsection was amended to extend the six-month time limit for corrections to a twelve-month time limit and to reflect the change in subsection 190(3).
Paragraph 129(c) (relating to current section 128)
This paragraph was deleted
Subsection 134(1) (current 133(1))
The time to reinstate was changed from "begins on the day on which the application for a patent is deemed, as a result of that failure, to be abandoned and ends 12 months after that day" to "12 months after the day on which the application for a patent is deemed, as a result of that failure to be abandoned"
Paragraph 140(1)(h) (current paragraph 139(1)(h))
The refund of "any amount paid in excess of a prescribed fee" was amended to read "any overpayment of a fee".
Reference to Article 24(2) of the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) was added.
Paragraph 155(3)(b) (current 154(3)(b))
The wording in paragraph 155(3)(b) was amended.
Current section 160
This new section was added.
Paragraphs 162(c), 181(2)(b) and 196(2)(b)
In French text the words "restitution" and "rétablissement" are replaced with "restauration".
Current section 204
This new section was added.
Subsections 214(1) and (2)
The wording "on the coming-into-force date" was added.
This section was amended.
If application is laid open, the deadline is the date on which the applicant consents to the application being laid open before expiry of confidentiality period.
Unless otherwise noted by Examiner.
Unless otherwise noted by Examiner.