At a certain point in your acting career, you're going to realize that it's not feasible to do everything yourself. There's just too many things to do! Submitting yourself, networking, memorizing lines, performing on set, attending auditions and classes. the list goes on and on.
Most actors eventually realize that they either need an agent or a manager to take on some of the responsibilities so they can spend more time doing what they do best: acting.
In this article, we'll start by explaining the differences between talent managers and agents, and then we'll dive deep on talent managers specifically and what they do in the process of managing actors.
So what's the difference between an agent and a manager, and what does a manager do for an actor? Well, here are the most important things:
Although most actors think they need an agent because an agent can help them get more auditions (which is what most actors struggle with), a great manager can help in many ways, including getting your career organized and helping you strategize on how to actually go about getting an agent!
So if you plan to look for a manager first, here's the steps I recommend you take:
Too many actors start looking for agents and managers before they're ready, searching online for things like "acting managers for beginners." Doing this is a mistake because you should start off by learning the ropes of your own career and figuring out how to manage yourself so you're not taken advantage of later on.
I strongly recommend you ask yourself the following questions to determine if getting a manager is right for you at this stage of your career:
If you determined that you're not ready for a manager yet and instead want to manage your career yourself, here are some things you can do to start growing your career:
A lot of actors complain that their agents and managers are not doing enough. But you need to remember: an agent/manager is only getting paid a small percentage of the money you're making, so you need to be willing to do MORE than they are when it comes to finding acting opportunities and organizing your career.
You need to be the LEADER of your career – don't leave that up to them.
Here are a few key ways to ensure you have a strong relationship with your manager so they help you build your career:
And keep in mind, in general, it's not a manager's job to find you auditions – some do, but not all. So if that's important to you, be sure it's in the contract up front. If it's not in the contract or they don't tell you it's something they're going to help you with, then you should either not complain or find a different manager.
If you're a parent debating whether you should manage your child's acting career, I'll offer you some food for thought in this section.
If you already have an understanding of the entertainment industry (or are willing to read books and online articles to gain that understanding), managing your child's acting career is absolutely possible! As their career continues to grow, you may need to eventually look for a professional manager and/or agent, but you can certainly be their manager at the beginning.
Here are a few things to keep in mind if you're going to manage your child's acting career:
A manager will sign you on as a client because they want to be part of developing your long-term career as an actor. They might help you put together your actor's package, find an agent, and connect you to helpful people, and as you get more successful, they'll get even more involved by helping coordinate your schedule, overseeing your publicity campaigns, building out your team of advisors (accountant, lawyer, publicist, etc.), and even determining which roles you should take or pass on.
Some managers even coach their actors on scripts or show up on set to provide emotional support, and many coordinate closely with an actor's agent to ensure the roles the actor is being submitted for fit well within their brand, and are for projects the actor wants to be in.
At the end of the day, an acting manager can be a great addition to your acting career, but at the same time, it can also be a major crutch. Many actors let themselves become lazy after getting an agent or manager by no longer submitting or networking, and within a few months, they start wondering why they're getting many auditions. Is it their rep's fault? Is it their own fault?
There are a million reasons you might not be getting auditions, but there's plenty you can do to change that (just read my Ultimate Guide to Finding Auditions). Until you take 100% responsibility for your acting career and don't let all the weight fall on the shoulders of someone else, you'll always find your career stagnating.
So get out there, manage your own career or find great manager, and don't slack off. Keep working like crazy to make your dreams a reality!
To wrap up, check out this awesome interview I got to do with talent manager Josselyne Herman Saccio where she teaches everything you need to know about managing actors in depth:
Understanding how managing actors works is just one part of growing your acting career.
As someone who has worked with people in thousands of industries (through my headshot business), I've been able to take growth strategies that work for businesses and apply them directly to actors – to help them grow their careers faster than most would think possible (examples: one of my clients landed his first-ever Broadway role in just 4 weeks of working with me, and a brand-new actress signed with a high-level agent in just six weeks of working with me).
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Martin Bentsen (author of this guide) is an actor marketing coach who uses “outside the industry” thinking to help actors book more work. He’s helped over 6,000 actors with their careers and actor headshots since 2009 and his photography studio City Headshots is ranked #1 on Yelp. He’s spoken at NYU, The New England Theater Conference, The Actor’s Green Room, and other venues.
Want to book more acting work by thinking different? Start with his free Actor’s Toolkit to create new opportunities right away, or visit his website at
Most actors only have one manager, but if they run a production company they might have a team of a few managers, agents, publicists, and more.
When it comes to managing actors, most talent managers either work on commission at around 15-20%, or they are salaried at $70-120k per year.