The University interprets its responsibility to authorize charter schools as a part of a larger attempt to improve education for children and in this instance, the education of children who live in an urban area. Charter schools must have programs that provide quality education to students and address the critical issues of today’s urban education environment. The academic achievement of children who are viewed as at-risk should be the central focus of the charter school application. Substantive outcomes must be given priority over process experiences if academic achievement is to serve as the central focus.
It is the University’s goal to look for charter applications that have a high potential to improve the quality of education for students with no or few high-quality educational options rather than the authorization of a large number of charter schools. As such, the Office will consider charter options for communities/school districts if one of the following exists:
Being granted a charter to operate a school requires thought and planning as well as a committed organization that can sustain the development and operational requirements of a charter school. Potential applicants must be able to commit eighteen to twenty-four months of planning time before a charter school can become a reality.
The University and SOE consider the following principles to be essential to the development of charter schools authorized by the University. These principles are as follows:
Phase I
Prospectus is due by Feb. 29, 2024 by 4:30 pm
Review Team recommendation given by March 29, 2024
*Phase II
Application is due by Aug. 30, 2024 by 4:30 pm
Review Team recommendation given by Sept. 30, 2024
*Phase II is for applicants that have submitted a prospectus and received approval to move forward or applicants that wish to transfer charter authorization to or replicate the educational model with UWM. A school wanting to change authorizers or replicate must be in at least its fourth year of operation in Milwaukee when the application is submitted.
The application process begins with the submission of a prospectus, a short (no longer than twenty pages) description of the proposed school. Each prospectus must be submitted via a web-based system used by the Office of Charter Schools (OCS). The applicant must complete the Prospectus Submission Request form found below. The form must be emailed to between Jan. 1 and Feb. 15. Once the form is received, an email will be sent to the contact person with complete instructions on uploading the prospectus documents.
A prospectus must be uploaded no later than 4:30 pm (cst) on the last business day in February. Prospectuses received after the specified due date and time will not be considered. It is important within the prospectus to capture the philosophy around which the school will be developed, the mission of the school, and the reason the community needs the school. The prospectus provides a snapshot of the proposed school, its organizers, curricular focus, instructional methodology, governance, and financial capacity.
The information provided by the prospectus allows the Office and Advisory Committee to determine if the school has the potential to make a positive educational difference with urban students, is financially sound, and fits with the University’s mission. Requirements for the submission of a prospectus are provided when viewing the Prospectus Process and Application. Upon receipt of the prospectus, the Office will review and evaluate the proposal in terms of:
Specific information can be found in the Prospectus Process and Application. Those organizations, groups, or individuals whose prospectuses are deemed to meet the established criteria will be notified by the last business day of March and are then permitted to submit a full application to the Office.
The University has rigorous requirements for potential schools to meet before they are granted an initial charter. The application must address all Wisconsin Statute 118.40 State Laws and Regulations and those established by the University as listed in the Charter Application and Process Guides.
An application can only be submitted after the applicant’s prospectus has been approved by the Office or by an organization currently operating a charter school for at least four years in Milwaukee that wishes to replicate with or transfer charter authorization to UWM. Applicants must complete the New Charter application or the Replication or Transfer charter application to receive consideration and applications must be uploaded to the identified web-based system no later than 4:30 pm (cst) on the last business day of August. Applications received after the specified due date and time will not be considered. The guidelines discussed below are designed to assist charter school developers with general requirements that will be used by the Office and Application Review Committee in considering charter applications. Applicants are encouraged to meet with the representatives of the Office prior to and during the development of the Application.
It is essential that charter school operators understand their requirement for providing special education services for students with disabilities. The provision of special education will have a major impact on financial, personnel, and facility decisions. An independent public charter school must accept all students who apply regardless of disability. The school must either provide required services on site or pay for those services to be provided by another entity. As part of this requirement, the school must provide an individualized education plan (IEP) and provide the necessary instruction by state licensed personnel. Questions regarding special education issues that charter applicants should consider when applying for a charter are included in the Application Requirements.
The Office, through the Application Review Committee, composed of educators and community members, reviews charter school applications. Guidelines for reviewers are included in the Charter Process and Application documents. Based on the overall feasibility of the proposal, this review process will identify which applications:
While it must be realized that there is some element of subjective judgment in evaluating proposals, a proposal can be evaluated on its completeness, responsiveness to criteria, and the integration of innovative ideas into a realistic operation to educate students. Especially important in the chartering process is the effective use of research literature, the design and focus of the program, and how the proposal integrates organizational structure, budget, and program into an operational whole. Approval of an application is not a guarantee that the applicant will be awarded a charter. Before an application is finally approved, a contract spelling out all aspects of the charter school operation must be agreed upon.
Applicants will be notified as to the status of their proposal by the last business day of September. Applicants whose proposals are approved will be notified and receive instructions for initiating the development of the charter contract. Applicants whose proposals require additional work will be notified of the deficiencies and given an opportunity to respond within a specified time period. Applicants whose proposals are not approved will also receive notification.
The following documents are required for each application:
Contracts negotiated with prospective charter school operators must meet all requirements of the University’s Model Charter Contract (PDF). Charter operators must be prepared to operate in accordance with all applicable state and federal requirements for charter schools. Contracts developed with prospective charter operators follow the approved model contract and contain additional information that provides specific information about the charter school, its mission, organization, curriculum, assessment methodology, and instructional philosophy. Attached to the base contract are several appendices that provide additional information regarding the obligations of the grantee.
The approval of the contract by the UW System Board of Regents represents the final phase of the chartering process. Once the grantee meets the school opening requirements, the charter school can begin operating.