A Loan Agreement is used when a lender lends money to a borrower in exchange for repayment plus interest.
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Drafted by experienced lawyers
Compliant with Malaysian law
Ready to use legal template
Drafted by lawyers
Compliant with Malaysian law
Loan agreement is a legal document that certifies the borrowing between persons. It defines the nature of the loan for tax reasons and prevents it from being considered a gift. It enables you to formalize the loan and preserve a written record of it. If one of the borrowers is unable to repay the loan or disputes the loan agreement between individuals, the cash in question can be recovered.In the event of a disagreement or dispute, this instrument, also known as a personal loan contract or master promissory note, protects the parties. Our loan agreement is tailored to local legislation and drafted by qualified lawyers. Get your personalized personal or corporate loan agreement in English from Themis Partner.